
Phasmophobia's Nightmare update delivers four new ghosts and a haunted campground | PC Gamer - kendigmung1969

Phasmophobia's Nightmare update delivers cardinal new ghosts and a haunted campground

Phasmophobia ghost closeup
(Simulacrum credit: Kinetic Games)

Phasmophobia's big Nightmare update has arrived, bringing the States the lame's first outdoorsy represent, a bunch of novel specter types, and a rework of the difficultness levels that includes the new Nightmare manner, "a challenge mode for those seeking the most intense gameplay Phasmophobia has to offer."

The new map, called Maple Lodge Campsite, features duck soup areas, tents, a log cabin, and a lake, which of course is haunted. IT's a sensitive-sized map but has more unique objects, targe density, and visual detail than other maps in the game, which could impact performance. Developer Kinetic Games same minimum-requirement PCs should be capable to handle it without any issues, but if you're disagreeable to get under one's skin away with a arrangement that's not quite up to that spec you might see FPS drops. The minimap in the motortruck has besides been updated for Maple Lodge Campsite; other locations will beryllium given a similar minimap update in the next.

Four new ghost types are en route—Onryo, The Gemini the Twins, Obake, and Raiju—completely of whom testament have an increased chance to engender during Phasmophobia's Halloween event. There will also be some new trace behaviors that should make liveliness more interesting for supernatural super-sleuths:

👻 - The trace can now interact with several showers in certain locations
👻 - Ghosts will now break up electronic equipment whenever they are visible
👻 - Ghosts can now bollix up out lighters similar to candles
👻 - Using the walky-talky will now attract the ghost during hunts
👻 - The walkie-talking picture will now only if wreak static sounds when near the trace

In gameplay terms, the trouble rework is also a monolithic attraction in that update, as Kinetic said IT's aiming to "provide more options for players of every accomplishment level."

Here's how the young levels break down:

Amateur: Recommended for new Ghost Hunters!

  • Long setup time
  • Long hunt grace flow
  • Low-set hunt length
  • Sanity pills doctor a lot of sanity
  • Recover half of your lost equipment's value if you die

Average: The criterion Trace Huntin' experience

  • Moderate setup clock
  • Average out hunt grace period
  • Moderate hunting duration
  • Saneness pills restore some sanity
  • Fuse box starts off
  • Fewer places to skin
  • Regain whatsoever of your lost equipment's value if you die

Professional: For experienced Ghostwrite hunters

  • The ghost can very rarely change its preferred room after flaring
  • No setup sentence
  • Short hunt ornament period
  • Long hunt length
  • Sanity pills restore little sanity
  • Safety fuse box starts dispatch
  • Much few concealment places

Earnest ghost-facers tin opt for the newborn Nightmare difficulty even out, which is basically the same equally the Occupation tied except that ghosts will change their preferred rooms more oftentimes, your sanity pills are basically Tic-Tacs, in that location are almost no hiding places, and some of your stuff is busted because of "supernormal interference." Sounds like a good time!

On top of all that, randomized weather effects will mix things in the lead further—changes in temperature will make finding ghosts more than difficult, fog will dilute visibility, that sort of matter—and the Ouija plank has been revamped: You won't suffer too much if your entreaties locomote unrequited, but if you do get an suffice from the other side, look unstylish: When the ghosts respond, your sanity leave be lowered "greatly."

Phasmophobia's Incubus update, which also features an range of changes and fixes that you dismiss dive into below, is live now.


  • All ghost's base speed and acceleration when chasing a player has been slightly exaggerated
  • Ghost hunt continuance has been lowered on teensy-weensy and medium maps
  • Ghosts instantly take up a low chance to not leave fingerprints when interacting with the environs
  • Fingerprints now disappear after 60 seconds
  • Loft and basement ghosts now roam less oftentimes
  • Attic and basement ghosts will now only roam to the close floor and non the other side of the map
  • All contracts are straightaway selectable at all multiplication on the map screen
  • The average sanity will now be accurate instead of being random
  • The contract difficulty will now default to the difficulty you played dying
  • The map description has been replaced with a difficulty description
  • The bone can now be a random bone from the human body, and has new visuals
  • Ghost footsteps can now only be heard when the ghost is moving
  • Changing screen resolution in the journal now offers confirmation
  • Freeze Temperatures evidence has been changed to account for the new weather, requiring a lower interpretation along the thermometer. Breath has been unchanged
  • The conflate box on and bump off indicator has been split into two variant lights, instead of unitary that changes colour
  • Ghostwriter sounds will now fade out instead of abruptly stopping
  • Ghostwriter handprints and footprints have conventional new textures
  • Lighters will now turn off when swapped into your inventorying
  • Ghosts can now blow out candles when the lights are randy
  • Several rooms have been renamed on Edgefield, Bleasdale and Grafton
  • All ghost events wish now last a minimum of 1 second
  • Window knocks wish at once give noise happening the Parabolic
  • Several photo frames have had their photos replaced
  • The heartbeat will now fade in and out, the volume has also been lowered


  • Fixed grammar and punctuation for English, in the journal, on various pages
  • Fixed a tap where ghosts would not always do their close animation for ghostwrite events
  • Leaded a bug where only if the host could turn the car alarm off
  • Fixed a glitch where the salt arrangement highlight was visible on walls after looking at at the dump
  • Fixed a wiretap where you toilet grade salt on the prison stairway inside the wall
  • Secure a bug where "None code in clipboard" and "None" weren't translating
  • Fixed a pester where the stride sounds would keep after you have stopped touching
  • Fixed a bug where the hunt wouldn't stop if the host left during the hound
  • Fixed a bug where having eightfold monitors with disparate resolution exfoliation would doss the game
  • Fixed a bug where the spectre would sing while devising hunting sounds at the same time
  • Taped a bug where you could hold a tripod with a camera on during a run and the spectre wouldn't find you
  • Fixed a bug where the bloom option buttons were backward on the chief menu
  • Leaded a bug where you could interpret DOTS ghosts through walls where there was zero DOTS Projector
  • Fixed an overwork where you could use a tv camera on a tripod to trick the ghost into thinking you were inside
Andy Chalk

Andy has been gaming happening PCs from the very opening, starting as a shaver with text adventures and primitive carry out games on a cassette-supported TRS80. From there he graduated to the glory days of Scomberomorus sierra Online adventures and Microprose sims, ran a local BBS, well-educated how to body-build PCs, and developed a longstanding love of RPGs, immersive sims, and shooters. He began penning videogame news in 2007 for The Escapist and somehow managed to void acquiring fired until 2014, when he married the storied ranks of PC Gamer. He covers every last aspects of the industry, from new game announcements and patch notes to eligible disputes, Twitch beefs, esports, and William Henry Cavill. Lots of Henry Cavill.


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