
How To Install Signal Lights On Motorcycle

Introduction: Bicycle Turning Signal Lights

Accident occurrences can be minimized with preventive measures. One of my dad's friend had a serious concussion as he was hit by a bicycle making a sudden left turn without warning. He was hospitalized for two days. I thought the lack of communication between the cyclist and the pedestrian is the cause of the accident. Therefore, I designed a signaling device that can indicate the cyclist's clear intention in making turns to the pedestrians as well as other motorists prior to making turns, just like the function of signal light in an automobile.

Step 1: Materials Required

  1. Arduino Leonardo Board
  2. Bread Board
  3. Two Paper Box(one smaller and one bigger)
  4. Utility Knife
  5. Led Light (Blue x1, Red x1, Yellow x1)
  6. Cellophane (Blue x1, Red x1, Yellow x1)
  7. Aluminum Foil
  8. A Pair of Scissors
  9. A Bunch of Wires
  10. Duct Tape
  11. Tapes
  12. A Power Bank
  13. A USB charge line
  14. Clay
  15. 4 button switch
  16. 3 resistors

Step 2: Programming

  1. Define the variables→
    • Set the blue button as (digitalread2) and blue light as (digitalwrite12)
    • Set the yellow button as (digitalread3) and yellow light (digitalwrite7)
    • Set the red light as (digitalwrite6) A
  2. After defining the variables, set up two "is else" loops, one for the right light and one for the left light. And if the two loops are not activated, the red light will shine continuously.
  3. Here's the link to the code:

Step 3: Assembling the Circuit

Take a look at the program and the variables set. Then, assemble the LED lights according to the program. After connecting the wires, make sure to check if there are any mistakes. If the circuit can't work, check again. Sometimes an error can be as small as connecting an LED's positive and negative legs in opposite holes. After making sure the circuit works, use clay at the loose seams of components to make sure they won't fall off. The pictures below show how the wires and the circuit should be connected.

Step 4: Making the Actual Machine

Outer Box: First of all, get a box. The size doesn't matter much, but if you want to make the machine exactly as mine, get a box of 19.7 cm(width) x 26 cm(length) x 13 cm(height). Then, cut a rectangular hole at the back of the box, which is about 1 cm(width) x 3.5 cm(length). Tape the borders of the box to make sure it doesn't crack. On the front, cut a rectangle in the middle 2.8cm(width) x 4 cm(length). Then cut two congruent arrow shapes on the left and right sides of the rectangle. Lastly, tape different colors of cellophane on the inside of the box, covering the area of the cutout rectangle and two arrows in the front(blue on the right arrow, yellow on the left arrow, and red on the rectangle in the middle). The outer box is done! You are half-way through in making the actual machine.

Inner Box: After this is done, find another box is slightly smaller than the outer box. Cut open the top of the box. Cut a hole that has a similar size as the hole on the outer box. Then, cut threes circles that has 0.7 cm in diameter on the front of the inner box. Put an aluminum foil on the front of the inner box(also cut three circles correspond to the location of the three circles on the box). The inner box is finished!

Combining: Put the inner box inside the outer box and fix it with tape so it won't move around. Let the wires connecting the "4 button switch" through the rectangular cutout on the back of the inner and outer box. Pull the three lights through the three circular cutouts of the inner box, visible under the cellophane of the outer box. Connect the power bank to the assembled circuit, and the machine is ready to work.

Step 5: It's Video Time

Step 6: Pictures of Final Product on a Bike

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How To Install Signal Lights On Motorcycle


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